Hotel Miraya Coffee Shop

Coffee Shop

C/ Patrón Veneno Nº6 Paseo Marítimo, 29740 Torre del Mar

Our Establishment which is located in front of Torre del Mar promenade has a lovely coffee shop with a terrace where you can enjoy our typical Andalucian breakfasts while watching the sea.

Try our full breakfast as well as our variety of refreshments, sandwiches, fruit juices, drinks, ice-creams, etc.

Opening hours: 8:00-23:00

Open every day

General labels: Torre del Mar
Category labels: Coffe shops
  • 952545969
  • 952545515
© Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Vélez-Málaga Plaza de las carmelitas s/n
C.P. 29700 Vélez-Málaga Tlf: 952559100