Restaurant industry

Vélez Málaga has a wide range of options as far as restaurants go.

In the following section, you will find a catalogue with numerous restaurants to choose from.

All the places where you can enjoy Vélez drinks and meals appear classified by type in the navigation options on the right.

  • Sala Casarte Azul

    Sala Casarte Azul

    Coffee-Shop and Pub

    C/ Camino Viejo de Málaga nº 22

    • 657908011 / 605152811
  • Jarol Coffee shop

    Coffee shop

    Avda. Doctor Marañón

    • 625499573
© Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Vélez-Málaga Plaza de las carmelitas s/n
C.P. 29700 Vélez-Málaga Tlf: 952559100